09.11.01 As the San Francisco Examiner Headline so eloquently stated: "BASTARDS!" (now I call that objective journalism) I have to agree with them though.
They are using the blown out Brooks Brother’s shop across the street as a makeshift morgue. That seems to sum it up pretty well - all that stuff that is so meaningless now. We wish we could just undo an event like this one. If only this had not happened, that woman on TV would have the father of her three children sleeping beside her tonight. And this reminds the rest of us to ask: how often do we ever actually look at our loved ones and think, or say – "I am so terribly thankful that you are here right now?" You can be sure I did last night, and will tonight. I don't want another day to go by without letting the people I love know how important they are, every day. That's all that really matters at this point.
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