Toys R Us Yesterday I took my niece Vivian to Toys R Us to pick up an Elmo doll her parents said she wanted. I’m not sure how much 'want' a 15 month old can truly express. You got me on that one, but they said she'd enjoy the drive and has been 'talking' about Elmo for days. Talking? Yeah, ok.
Afterward we wheeled through the parking lot to my brother’s car and I installed Vivi in the baby seat and placed Elmo next to her for the ride home. On the way back I occasionally sang to Vivi from the front seat, spying her in the rear view mirror looking perplexed and entertained by my singing. As we rounded the bends of the highway I wondered if she was really safe back there with only steel and glass to protect her, and I wondered which one of us was enjoying the drive more.
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